GDPR and How To Keep Your Website Legal

Have you heard about GDPR? It's a series of fun new regulations that everyone is dying to implement. Just kidding. It's not fun and is actually quite bit of a headache. 

But, unfortunately, it is a headache that can't be ignored. Even if you're not an EU citizen, this regulation still affects you if you collect cookies from your site, collect any kind of personal data (think contact forms, newsletter sign ups, etc) and more. It's crazy, and as busy entrepreneurs or business owners with an employee count under 5 or 10 (or even just 1, anyone?), all businesses that have the potential to process or collect data from any EU citizen need to make sure they're compliant.

GDPR Compliance + What You Need To Know As a Business Owner


The information provided in this guide is in no way meant to be legal advice and is for entertainment purposes only. Dapper Fox will not be held liable for any use, application or consequence as a result of using the information provided here. Please consult an attorney for any questions and to ensure your website has the correct legal notices, disclaimers, policies etc.

What Is GDPR?

It’s a new legal framework from the EU that takes effect on May 25, 2018. The law aims to unify current data protection privacy laws throughout the EU, and enhance the rights of citizens of the EU to protect their personal information.

Why Does It Apply To Me?

Even if you’re not in the EU, you still need to be in compliance. If anyone in the EU uses a contact form on your website, signs up for your newsletter, or even if you collect cookies for analyzing website traffic (which Squarespace sites inherently do), or collect personal data of any kind, then you need a GDPR compliant policy.

Ready to dive in and get started on compliance? 


PORTFOLIO: Shannon Bahrke, Olympic Skier & Entrepreneur


PORTFOLIO: Devon Dennis Coaching